The Management Minute with Dr. Donita Brown

Embracing the Uncomfortable Learning - Interview with Chip Higgins

Dr. Donita Brown Season 6 Episode 4

This episode's interview is with Chip Higgins, a best-selling author, speaker, business coach, and mentor with more than 15 years of leadership experience in the banking industry. 

He is also the founder of Bizzics, which provides business advisory, consulting, and coaching services.

Chip shares stories and advice based on his management experiences, including the importance of:

  • Focusing on the big things
  • Adding value in all you do
  • Remembering that business is about people

He answers the same questions as each podcast guest:

  • How do your values impact your management philosophy?
  • Who or what has had the most impact on your management style?
  • What book has made the biggest impact on you?